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Triphala- A Panacea in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, the cause of all diseases is the dis-balance of five elements i.e. vata(air and ether) pitta(fire and water) and kapha(earth and water).

Only three herbs in nature have the ability to pacify all the doshas related to vata, pitta and kapha. Triphala is a powerful combination of those three herbs namely - Amla, baheda and haritaki in the ratio of 4:2:1.

A tablespoon of Triphala when consumed at night, works as a laxative and removes all the accumulated toxins overnight.

When consumed in the morning with honey or jaggery, provides nourishment to the body and cures all the vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

It is considered 100x more powerful than Chyawanprash.

Benefits of Triphala according to Ayurveda

  • Relieves constipation, gas, indigestion, piles and all diseases below abdomen.

  • Washing eyes with Triphala water kept overnight, improves vision, in three months, spectacles are removed, headaches and migraine is cured.

  • When consumed in the ratio of 1:1:1, radiation emitted from all electronic devices, cannot affect the body.

  • When consumed regularly for a year, all the doshas are balanced, complete body is purified, all chronic diseases are cured.

  • Washing hair with Triphala infused water can even turn white hair into black.

  • Triphala purifies the blood, which in turn cures all skin disorders, eczema, hyperpigmentation, psoriasis, acne.

Triphala is considered so powerful in Ayurvedic texts that it can even bring in spiritual transformation. When consumed regularly for a period of 12 years along with strict diet -

A person gains strength equivalent to that of an elephant. His body radiates and shines like the sun, wrinkles and all the symptoms of old age vanish, vision becomes so powerful that a person can see the stars in the daylight. Memory becomes so strong that whatever is read once, gets imprinted in the mind. The person achieves vaak sidhi (the power of speech), whatever he says, becomes true. Body becomes so pure that beautiful sounds are heard within.

- By Charu Pathak

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