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Prithvi Mudra (Earth Gesture) (पृथ्वी मुद्रा)

Updated: Jul 23, 2020

Prithvi Mudra is associated with the earth element in the body. It is the most heavy of all elements and responsible for proper body growth and development. Due to the deficiency of earth element, a person becomes weak and thin, has deficiency of vitamins and minerals and low immunity power.

When earth element is balanced, all the 7 dhatus - Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Fat, Bone, Bone Marrow and Reproductive Fluid are properly formed.

Yogis who practice meditation for long duration, regularly practice Prana and Prithvi mudra which helps them survive for months and years without food.

Formation - Ring Finger of both the hands is joined with the tip of the thumb.
Duration - There is no time limit, this mudra can be performed for as long as possible. Must be performed for a minimum of 45 minutes daily. Those who are underweight can perform for a longer duration.

Benefits of Prithvi Mudra -

  1. Works as a powerful tonic for people who are underweight.

  2. Removes deficiency of all vitamins- A, B,C,D,E and K.

  3. Kids who are under the age of 16, if they practice this mudra, it will provide nourishment to the body, and proper growth and development of all the organs will take place.

  4. This mudra brings stability, humility, happiness and generosity.

  5. Hyperactive kids who lack focus can be transformed by regular practice.

  6. Chronic fatigue, general debility (weakness after illness) can be overcome.

  7. Problems related to deficiency of elements like Anemia, diminished bone density, weakness of muscles and tendons can be cured completely.

  8. This mudra helps the practitioner achieve a proportionate and attractive body structure.

  9. It increases Prana Shakti (life force) in the body, which helps cure multiple diseases by boosting immunity.

  10. The Ring Finger is connected to the liver and triple warmer meridian. It energizes the liver and the stomach and balances the temperature of the body.

  11. Burning sensations, fever ,ulcers, diseases related to excess to body heat like acidity are pacified.

  12. It treats hair loss and premature greying of hair. Recently turned grey hair are turned black within 7 days of regular practice.

  13. Eyes , nose , ears can be shaped by moving this mudra along the concerned body part.

  14. It energizes and balances the root chakra, which is the seat of kundalini energy, the storehouse of energies. It controls the formation of hormones, reproductive fluids and brings in a sense of security, and stability within a person.

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