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Introduction to Mudras

Our body and this entire universe is composed of the energy of five elements namely -

  1. Fire

  2. Air

  3. Space

  4. Earth

  5. Water

The cause of all diseases is the dis-balance of one or more of these five elements. Each finger in our hand represents an element.

  • Thumb - Fire Element

  • Index Finger - Air Element

  • Middle Finger - Space Element

  • Ring Finger - Earth Element

  • Little Finger - Water Element

Thus, by performing mudras(Sanskrit मुद्रा), we can control all the five elements in our body.

When we touch the tip of the finger with the tip of the thumb, it balances the element.

For example in 'Gyan Mudra', when we touch the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb, it balances the Air Element.

Gyan Mudra

When we touch the tip of the finger with the base of the thumb, it decreases the element. For example - in Vayu Mudra, when the tip of Index Finger touches the base of the thumb, excess air is dispelled from the body.

When the tip of the thumb touches the base of a finger, the element of that finger is increased. For ex- in Aditi Mudra, by touching the tip of the thumb in the base of Ring Finger, earth element is increased.

Mudras can be performed anytime, while talking, walking, watching TV, while lying down, sitting or standing.

Our fingers continuously emit pranic energy (from Sanskrit word 'prana' meaning vital life force) into the external nature.

By performing mudras, we arrest the electromagnetic power from dissipating into external nature. In this way, it circulates within the body and energizes our entire body, and an energized body, full of pranic energy is less likely to get affected by diseases.

- Charu Pathak

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