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Gyan Mudra (ज्ञान मुद्रा) - The Mudra of Wisdom, Awakening and Enlightenment

Formation - Touch the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb.
Duration - This mudra can be performed for 45 continuous minutes or for 15 minutes, three times in a day. There is no time limit for performing this mudra.

People who are unable to perform mudras, their fingers can be taped together or tied with the rubber band.

Gyana Mudra, Balances the AirElement (Vayu Tattva) in the body. Air Element is responsible for circulation and movement in the body. Excess of Air element makes a person hasty, unstable, lacking focus and concentration. Deficiency of Air element disturbs the body's circulation and causes lethargy, depression, demotivation, inability to take decisions.

Benefits of Gyana Mudra -

  • Activates and increases prana vayu. Vagbhata in Ashtanga Hridaya also tells that Prana Vayu commands Buddhi (intellect), Hridaya (heart), Indriya (sense organs and their functions) and Chitta (mind). Practice of Gyana Mudra, balances the mind, empowers the five senses, calms and stabilizes the mind, improves the function of the heart.

  • According to the science of reflexology, the tip of the thumb is the point for pineal and pituitary gland, these glands are connected to the third eye chakra (Ajna chakra) and the sahasrahara chakra (crown chakra).

  • Gyana Mudra balances the secretions of pineal and pituitary glands and treats the overgrowth and undergrowth of the body. People who are physically very big in size or those who are dwarfs can be completely treated during their growth years by practicing Gyan mudra.

  • When pineal gland is predominant it helps people become great geniuses, scientists and philosophers. In those children where this gland is disturbed, it induces them to lie, steal, they become heartless, mischievous and bullies. All these bad habits can be treated by the practice of Gyan mudra.

  • It activates the neurons of the brain and controls the proper flow of cerebrospinal fluid and keeps all the glands of the body, strong, vitalized and healthy.

  • Helps in withdrawal from addictions from smoking, masturbation, alcoholism, drugs etc.

  • Mentally retarded children benefit immensely and their complete development and brain takes place.

  • Problems like sleeplessness and insomnia can be treated within a week.

  • Hormonal disorders hypo-thyroidism, diabetes etc. are cured (with a 50 minutes practice everyday). Muscular disorders facial palsy, monoplegia and paraplegia are cured by regular practice of gyana mudra.

  • For students gyana mudra is a boon. It improves memory, develops concentration and improves brain power and mental development. Negative thoughts are eliminated.

  • Children who have a weak memory, cannot focus on studies, those who get easily distracted benefit immensely by performing this mudra.

  • Mental maladies like - madness, hysteria, dullness of mind, lack of initiative, loss of memory, lethargy, restlessness, fear and phobias and depression are cured.

  • Helps in increasing will power and confidence and fearlessness.

  • Treats all neurological disorders like fits and epilepsy and those arising from imbalanced pituitary and pineal glands.

  • Headaches, harsh and violent behaviour, anger issues can be treated.

  • Aids in the awakening of intuition which guides people follow the right path.

  • The Aura of the person increases and strengthens.

  • It is said that saints and yogis got insights and understanding of the secret, origin and the mysteries of the universe in deep states of meditation - gyana mudra is the mudra which provides true wisdom and knowledge of deep secrets of the bramhanda (universe) when the practitioner goes in advanced stages of meditation.

  • It is said and mentioned in the texts of Mahabharata that Lord Krishna was in Gyana Mudra while giving the ultimate knowledge to Arjuna. This mudra therefore provides true knowledge to the practitioner and awakens the third eye. The practitioner gets many answers and solutions for problems of life through intuition and during meditation.

The spiritual meaning of Gyana Mudra -

The Spiritual sadhana is to separate the atma from these anatma i.e the material body and the material things.

The Thumb represents the Paramatma (God or the supreme soul) because only with the thumb the hand performs any functions. Just as the thumb supports all the other fingers similarly paramatma is the support for any creation. So the Jivaatma(represented by the index finger) should try to get detached from the material world and join with the Paramaatma. So when the index finger touches the thumb it signifies the Gyana mudra or the jivatma paramatma .

A circle is formed in this process when the two fingers join. This circle represents anadhi or poornam. Poornam means wholesome or completeness and Anadhi means eternity. A circle doesn’t have a beginning or an end.

When jivatma identifies itself with Paramatma the poornatwam (completeness) and eternity is attained. This is the true knowledge and this is the objective of the spiritual sadhana – get detached from material body and get attached to paramatma.


- Charu Pathak

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