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Alkaline Water: A Life Saver ?

Updated: Sep 23, 2021

What is Alkaline Water? - Alkaline water refers to the pH level of water. For example, something with a pH of 1 would be very acidic and something with a pH of 13 would be very alkaline.

Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular drinking water. The pH level is a number that measures how acidic or alkaline(basic) a substance is on a scale of 0 to 14.

pH means ‘potential of hydrogen' or 'power of hydrogen' and is a measurement of electrically charged particles in a substance.

  • Acidic water has a pH lower than 7. The most acidic substances have a pH of 0. Battery acid falls into this category.

  • Alkaline water has a pH of 8 or above. The most alkaline substances, such as lye, have a pH of 14.

  • Pure water has a pH of 7 and is considered “neutral” because it has neither acidic nor basic qualities.

People who are having acidity problem after eating food, their food turns acidic and causes multiple disease for example osteoporosis where our bones become weak and fragile. Acidity leads to faster ageing process and increases the risk of cancer. If people are not having foods which are alkaline in nature in their diet, then having alkaline water will be beneficial for them.

Benefits - Alkaline water can neutralize the acid in your body. It slows down the ageing process and reduces the risk of cancer. Although we are still in the process of finding scientific evidence, however people claim that some of the benefits of alkaline water are:
  1. Hydration – Alkaline water is more beneficial than normal water as it has ultra-hydrating property. The water molecules of alkaline water are smaller in size than those of normal water. This smaller size water molecules are easily absorbed by the cells in our body and hence re-hydrating it quickly. Hence alkaline water is more beneficial for people who do regular exercises or play sports.

  2. Immunity Booster and Improves Metabolism – Alkaline water neutralizes the acid in the stomach and intestinal tract which is due to undigested food, stress, hormonal changes etc. It helps in digestion process and improves metabolism and body immunity

  3. Hinders Growth of Free Radicals – Alkaline water has strong anti-oxidant property and hence neutralize harmful free radicals which reduces the risk of cancer.

  4. Skin and Aging - Improves skin health and slows down ageing process

  5. Hypertension - Controls high blood pressure

  6. Diabetes - Helps in diabetes management

  7. Cholesterol - Balances cholesterol levels

  8. Constipation - Benefits in constipation due to its colon cleaning property

  9. Weight - Helps in weight management as it maintains body pH level

  10. Blood - Balances blood pH

Precautions - Some of the precautions to keep in mind while having alkaline water are:
  1. The pH value of alkaline water should not exceed more than 9 as it can seriously harm our body.

  2. Alkaline water should not be taken before half an hour before meal or one and half hour after meal as acid is required in the stomach for the digestion of food and having alkaline water before food will neutralise the acid in the stomach.

List of Alkaline Foods - For a healthy lifestyle the diet should consist of alkaline foods. Following are some of the alkaline foods you can include in your diet:
  1. Almonds

  2. Cucumber

  3. Beetroot

  4. Carrot

  5. Spinach

  6. Bell Pepper

  7. Peas

  8. Broccoli

  9. Sweet Potato

  10. Lemons/Lime

Home Made Alkaline Water - Alkaline water is gaining a lot of popularity and it can be founds from shops. However it is very easy to make it at home using very simple natural ingredients.

Using Lemons/Lime - Lemon and lime are acidic in nature as it contains ascorbic acid which when digested and metabolized makes it alkaline in nature.

  • Take 1 litre of water

  • Take four pieces of cucumber

  • Cut a small lemon in four parts

  • Add two parts of lemon, cucumber to water

  • Keep the water overnight

  • In morning, take half to one cup of this water according to your capacity

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