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Akash Mudra (Space Gesture) (आकाश मुद्रा)

It is said, before anything in the universe existed there was just space or akasha, which was devoid of everything, except sound. Akasha was the first element that was created and further from which the other elements - air, fire, water and earth came into existence.

Formation - The middle finger of the hand represents the Akash Tattva. Akash mudra is formed by joining middle finger with the thumb.
Duration - This mudra must be practiced for 45 minutes.

Akasha has the dominance of Sattva(Purity) guna. When Akasha mudra is practiced, Sattva guna is increased.

Benefits of Akash Mudra -

  1. It balances space in the body which provides a room for all the other elements to function normally.

  2. Problems like ongestion, sinusitis, heaviness in the body is due to lack of Akasha element, which can be overcome by daily practicing Akasha mudra for 45 minutes.

  3. As akasha has the dominance of Sattva guna, it removes negative thoughts and emotions. Negative emotions like Anger, fears and phobias , jealousy , tendency of lying can be alleviated.

  4. According to sujok therapy, the top of middle finger is the starting point for the meridians of kidney, spleen and liver, practicing Akasha mudra energizes the three organs.

  5. Its helps detoxify the body and the mind by eliminating toxins and negative thoughts and feelings.

  6. Akash tattva is connected to the Throat(Vishuddhi Chakra). Any problem related to the vishuddhi chakra like Inability to express thoughts and feelings, shyness, inability to communicate, introversion, timidity etc can be overcome.

  7. This chakra is also connected to the mouth, jaws, tongue, pharynx and palate and the thyroid gland.

  8. Problem of locked jaw can be treated within minutes. As it is connected to the thyroid glands, it controls the development of body, supply of calcium and phosphorus.

  9. All bone related problems like rickets, teeth problems , twisting of bones, fractures are cured.

  10. Akasha mudra prevents jet lag if practiced for an hour before the flight.

  11. It also helps maintain a sense of balance while travelling, walking, running, climbing up or down.

  12. It is an excellent mudra to be practiced while meditation as it stimulates positive thoughts and helps the practioner achieve the state of shunya, the state of zero thoughts or complete control of the mind.


- Charu Pathak

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