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Fireless Cooking Workshop

4th July 2020, Some Highlights...

Naisha, Gurgaon, India

Fireless Cooking Workshop

5th July 2020, Some Highlights...

Aarav, Dubai, UAE

Aarshiya, India

Fireless Cooking Workshop

11th July 2020, Some Highlights...

Shanaya, Dubai, UAE

“ Ma'am loved the classes a lot especially the cooking class. I am just making apple lemonade.”

— Shaankari,  Nagpur, India

“ I really liked the fireless cooking session. It was really fun. I learnt lots of healthy and tasty dishes. I can't wait for the next workshops”

— Rucha, Glasgow, UK

“ I really liked the session and will keep on cooking”

— Geeva, Cheenai, India

Fireless Cooking Workshop

12th July 2020, Some Highlights...

Vedant, Scotland

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